Buttercream wt orange flavour, heart shape & tiny roses deco,
2mrw morn ~9am, Tqvm. :-)yeanti
From: Yanti Uum 6:34pm 5-JUN-09
I translated that order as
And the feedback was
Alhamdulillah. Cake sedap.
Bonda & hubby kata boleh tahan …yakin halal.
Deco sweet :-) Tapi kena master finishing deco lagi.
Tq 4 baking d cake.
Dah nak habis pun….;-)
From: Yanti Uum 2:59pm 6-JUN-09
Thank you Yanti for the order and feedback.
Me, myself not satisfied with the finishing deco.
Minta maaf ye but I will kerja keras to make it better in future.
May be I should try steam butter cream method next time
nmpk sedap2 kek nie.. :D
sy member wira.. @klia
if nak nmpk lg sedap.. u need pic yg lg menggiurkn.. as a photographer.. myb mata sy tertumpu pd detail kek nie.. so kalo perlukan photographer utk produk anda... jgn segan2.. boleh view pic2 sy @ www.flickr.com/akuzakie , akuzakiephoto.blogspot.com & akuzakie.fotopages.com tq
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